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Writer's pictureTheodore Pough

I've Graduated...So, What's Next?

Ever since I was a child, I was fed the task of graduating high school, go to college to obtain a degree, get that high paying job and live the good life. And I was on right on track. I’ve graduated from A.E. Beach High School (go bulldogs) in 2005 and later, I’ve registered for my first fall course at Savannah State University. To guarantee my success, I have even managed secured some college credits during my high school career thanks to programs like Educational Talent Search and Upward Bound.

So, I was all set and ready to tackled whatever life had in store. However, no one told me (well, at least from what I could recalled) life would hit like a ton of bricks and knock you on a different course.

And that’s exactly what happened.

I found myself enlisting into U.S. Navy and start my 11-year career defending our nation. I was looking forward to retiring after 20 years of service. However, life had other plans. I dive deep into this another time.

Fast forward to May 7, 2021. I was at my niece and her husband’s house, watching my graduation ceremony online. Full Sail University was only doing virtual ceremonies due to the pandemic. It would have been nice to have walked across the stage to received my degree. However, I was happy to have celebrate it with my family and friends who watched it online.

It was bittersweet day as well. My mother was in hospital during that time, and really couldn’t celebrate this milestone with her as much as I would have liked to. However, I know she would have been proud.

Then, the moment came when my name flash across the screen as a graduate of Full Sail University with a Bachelor of Science in Digital Cinematography. I blew a sigh of relief. My 16-year educational journey has come to an end.

That’s right, 16. Sixteen years it took to get to this moment. Between serving in the Navy and not knowing what I really wanted to was the cause. However, I learn that not every flower bloom at the same time. That was the case with me.

In 2009, most of my high school classmates have graduated from college. As for me, I was stationed out of FT Meade in Maryland in a very demanding duty assignment. During that time, I’ve recently transferred from a submarine command in Connecticut.

I was also lost. I always had a passion for tv, film and all things media. Again, I was taught to be practical and go for a career that will earned one a decent living. And once you did all of that, you can then pursue your dreams. That did not work for me. I am driven by job satisfaction and fulfilment. I understand a decent salary can make life easier. However, why can’t I have both?

So, what’s next?

To be honest, I don’t know. I thought I would know upon graduating, but I have the slightest idea.

I thought I will get a job in the tv/film industry. Or even perhaps starting my production company. I even pondered going back to school to obtain my Masters. All of which are great ideas. But what it the right path? Should I pursue all three? One at a time? None at all? These are the constant questions swirling around in my head.

I may not have the answers right now. However, one thing is for certain; I have completed a goal I set for myself all those years ago. Therefore, I know for myself what I am capable of. And that counts for something right?

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